ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | fuzzybloodhound | insert interesting name here | The Jibblies | |
2. | Guru | Insert B - Nobody Knows | Jazzmatazz Vol. 2 | |
3. | EatMe | Insert | | |
4. | Stuart Storey | E32 - Insert title Here | The Ten Cast | |
5. | Limited Appeal | Insert title here | Season 3 | |
6. | EatMe | Insert toy for coin | | |
7. | Dr. Trey, JRoQ, & The Icon | Insert Title Here | | |
8. | Rap Zone | Radio-insert | Паризон | |
9. | jerry curl | insert coin for teh win | | |
10. | r08028 wizard | Insert coin | Singles | |
11. | Atarimatt VS Legendary Wizard | Please Insert Coins | Here Comes a New Challenger | |
12. | EatMe | Insert toy for coin | | |
13. | Rebecca Rice Birkin | Open Mouth, Insert Car | New Era October 2006 | |
14. | Idonotlikebroccoli | [Insert stupid title here] | | |
15. | Tom Smith | Insert Geek Cliche Here | The FuMP | |
16. | Brooks Gibbs | Interesting | The Audio Evangelist | |
17. | Arte Johnson & Ruth Buzzi | Very Interesting | Reprise 0753 | |
18. | Arte Johnson & Ruth Buzzi | Very Interesting | Reprise 0753 | |
19. | )insert coin( | sPacE InvADeRS!!!!! )insert coin( | Grabaciones | |
20. | Barnaby Jones | Fear and Loathing in [Insert Your Town Here] | Barnaby Jones | |
21. | Brad | 773 Podcast - # 7 - Insert Witty Title Here | 773 Podcast | |
22. | CheapyD, Wombat | CAGcast #22: Insert Catch 22 Reference Here | CAGcast | |
23. | Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza | Insert Coin: Even As We Speak (128s) | 6/4/00 Insert Coin | |
24. | - Satou Akemi | Star [Video Insert Version] | Fushigi Yuugi Mini-Album Vol.6 | |
25. | Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza | Insert Coin: Piano Motions | 6/4/00 Insert Coin | |
26. | Flvxxvm Florvm | Interesting Times | Song Fight! | |
27. | Flvxxvm Florvm | Interesting Times | Song Fight! | |
28. | Flvxxvm Florvm | Interesting Times | Song Fight! | |
29. | The Hand Formula | Interesting Times | Songfight! | |
30. | The Hand Formula | Interesting Times | Songfight! | |